Beat the Heat!

Kill climate change with clean energy, conservation and efficiency, music, poetry, film and love. Help us filter through the glut of information on the science, economics, sociology and politics of climate change. Use our collective creativity to get ourselves out of this mishegoss. Artists and fans unite to beat the heat!

Monday, November 10, 2008

the Act?

Brightest stars,

While our cheeks our still wet from the joy and magnitude of the election, I am anxious to re-engage with the biggest challenge of our lifetime (I hope). Gore lays out a vision for how we can get to 100% renewable within 10 years in the great op-ed below (I really hope Obama crowns him "Climate/Energy Czar").

My question remains- how can WE get involved? I'm in the hole $30K for the solar panels on my roof and I fill my VWs with veg when I can find it, but now it goes beyond personal CFLs and recycling--it is largely a question of pushing American political will over the tipping point. We need a New New (Green) Deal centered on building a full scale renewable energy infrastructure. To make this happen in light of more psychologically immediate concerns of economy and war is a big challenge (O Rayner!). The connection between a Green Deal and a saved economy, while clear to Gore and us, is lost on many.

The voice for a Green Deal must be loud, unified, persistent. While Obama's call for service still resonates, and while our national agenda remains perhaps somewhat fluid, how can we best push Gore's plan into the Act of our time?

Some of the best organized efforts include the NRDC and the WE Campaign (one of Gore's initiatves). But I am thirsty to contribute beyond the occasional check and email petition. Those of you that are directly involved in the effort through your careers (Jesse, Jonathan, Mark, James, Brian, Franco, Sujeet), I applaud you. Where should those of us working in non-related industries direct whatever excess time and energy we have? The hour is nigh, etc.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts, suggestions and inspiration.



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